Product filters Product category: Show all ac / airconditioning (212) AC elimineringskåpor (35) AC kompressor (79) AC kompressorkoppling (1) axiallager (16) backventiler (32) bensinpump tillbehör m.m. (186) bladfjädring fäste/tillbehör m.m. (1) brickor (668) broms diverse (1) bränsle (157) bränslefilter (280) bränslepumpar / bensinpumpar (438) bränsletrycksreg. tillbehör m.m. (28) bränsletrycksregulator (80) bultar (2834) bultar/muttrar kaross (7) bultar/muttrar motor div. (929) bultar/muttrar v-låda/driv (6) catchtankar m.m. (31) cylinderfoder motorblock (3) cylinderkåpor (7) cylindersatser (35) cylinderschims (33) datalogg (12) datalogg tillbehör m.m. (3) drivaxlar oljepump (94) dumpventil tillbehör m.m. (26) dumpventiler bilspecifika (11) dumpventiler original (8) EGR ventiler (565) elfläktar (187) expansionskärl (218) farthållare (3) flexplatta automat (118) fläkt/drivremmar (6627) fläkt/drivremmar tillbehör m.m. 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(108) kompressorsatser (26) kontakter (1) koppling bultar/muttrar m.m. (1) kylare tillbehör m.m. (527) kylarlock (95) kylfläktar (157) kylplåtar (13) kylslangar (2606) laddtrycksjust. tillbehör m.m. (4) laddtrycksjustering / laddtrycksstyrning (1) luftledningar (61) luftmängdmätare (10) lustgas tillbehör m.m. (705) lustgasflaskor (18) lustgasmunstycke (190) lustgassystem (358) låsbrickor motor (3) map sensorer (28) motor schims m.m. (6) motorblock (26) motordelar diverse (6) motorer (19) motorfästen (1503) motorkåpor (74) motorrumsstyling (33) motorsatser (83) muttrar (971) nipplar m.m. oljesystem (56) nozzlar (14) olja/fett/kemikalier m.m. (145) oljeadapter/filterflytt m.m. (101) oljefilter (561) oljefilterhållare (46) oljekyl (93) oljekyl fäste m.m. (6) oljelock/påfyllning (181) oljepickup (429) oljepluggar (80) oljepump tillbehör m.m. (196) oljepumpar elektriska (4) oljepumpar mekaniska (636) oljerestriktor (7) oljesticka (313) oljesystem diverse (90) oljetermostat (6) oljetråg (768) oljetrågspackningar (174) packbox motor (87) packningar m.m. turbo (5) packningar motor (219) packningssats motor (723) PCV ventiler (369) purgeventil lustgas (8) ramlager (1105) ramlagerbultar / muttrar (178) remskiva spännhjul m.m. (226) remskivor (363) repsats förgasare (227) satser med remskivor (1319) schims vippor (4) schims vippställ (4) skarvrör/givarfästen m.m. (22) skvalpplåtar (100) solenoid lustgas (7) sotningssats (9) spjällhus (24) spjällhus tillbehör m.m. (36) spridare (1228) spridare tillbehör m.m. (15) spridarhållare (1) sprängskydd (65) startkransar (10) stötfångare mont.sats m.m. (14) stötstångsrör (16) stötstångsrör tillbehör m.m. (8) Stötstångstestare (54) stötstänger (2449) stötstänger tillbehör m.m. (29) svänghjul (320) svänghjul slityta (1) svänghjulsbultar/muttrar m.m. (69) svänghjulslager (24) svängningsdämpare (813) termostat (432) termostathus (548) toppackningar (10336) toppar (147) toppbultar/muttrar m.m. (641) torrsump m.m. (12) trottelplatta (2) turbo (22) turbo tillbehör m.m. (13) turbotimer kabelhärva (2) turbotimers (2) tändkabel tillbehör m.m. (257) tändkablar (2028) tändning (23) tändspole (605) tändstift (1588) tändsystem (8) tätningar motor (35) vakumfilter (3) vakumlock / vakumventil (5) varvtalsregulator (6) wastegate tillbehör m.m. (6) wastegates (4) vatteninsprutning (4) vattenkylare (4121) vattenpump elektrisk (55) vattenpump mekanisk (979) vattenpump tillbehör (152) vattentempgivare m.m. (48) ventilbrickor (96) ventiler (2645) ventilfjädrar diverse bilar (304) ventilfjädrar tillbehör m.m. (5) ventilfjädrar Volvo Saab Ford VW (7) ventiljusteringsskruvar (10) ventilknaster (91) ventilkåpa bultar/muttrar m.m. (233) ventilkåpor (345) ventilkåpspackningar (227) ventilschims (22) ventilskaftstallrikar (11) ventilstyrningar (28) ventilsäten (20) ventiltätningar (46) vevaxel tillbehör m.m. (31) vevaxlar (54) vevhusventilation/filter m.m. (153) vevlager (1096) vevstakar (64) vevstaksbultar / muttrar (274) vipparmsaxlar (41) vippor (308) vippställ (21) vippställ bultar / muttrar m.m. (202) Vtech contr. tillbehör m.m. (1) värme tillbehör m.m. (332) värmeelement / värmepaket (222) värmeisolering m.m. (114) värmekrage / värmestrumpa (49) värmekran / värmeventil (34) värmeslangar (46) växellampa (36) Manufacturer: Show all 2nd Gen Auto Parts (1) 3M (1) AA Performance (18) Accel (102) ACDelco (2145) ACL (9) ACT (88) Advance Adapters (39) AED Performance (224) AEM Electronics (7) Aeromotive (145) Aeroquip (11) AFCO Racing (475) AFE Power (22) Agility Auto Parts (3) Airflow Research (AFR) (25) Airtex (16) AJE Suspension (5) Allstar Performance (243) American Autowire (2) American Powertrain (1) Anchor Industries (359) APEXI (4) ARP (3335) ATI Performance Products (250) ATK High Performance Engines (7) ATL Fuel Cells (3) ATP (150) ATS Diesel Performance (3) Auto Metal Direct (16) Auto Module Source (1) Auto Specialties (54) Autolite (42) Autometer (37) Auto-style (69) AVS Motorsports Inc (1) B&G (1) B&M (26) Banks Power Gale Banks Engineering (2) BBK (21) BD Diesel (9) Be Cool (1184) Beck/Arnley (410) Belray (1) Best Gaskets (1) Billet Specialties (212) Biondo Racing (1) Blitz (2) BluePrint Engines (8) BMR Suspension (1) Bobs Automobilia (77) Borgeson Universal (5) Bosch Automotive (245) Boss Hog (2) Brian Tooley Racing (4) Brisk USA (2) Brodix Cylinder Heads (69) Bugpack (69) Bullet Proof Diesel (1) Butler Performance (4) C&R RACING INCORPORATED (1) Cal Custom (1) California Pony Cars (1) Callies Performance (52) Canton Racing Products (301) Carbign Craft (1) Cardone Industries (30) Carter (161) Caspers Electronics (4) CB (314) Centerforce (61) Champion (59) Chassis Engineering (5) Chevrolet Performance (224) Classic Chevy (1) Classic Industries (500) Classic Performance (16) Classic Tube (3) Clear View Filtration (2) Clevite 77 (10) Clevite Engine Parts (550) Cloyes (28) Coast to Coast International Body Parts (1) Cold Case Radiators (10) Cometic (2852) COMP Cams (1545) Competition Engineering (2) Continental (3567) Cosworth (1) Cragar Wheels (1) Crane Cams (9) CRC (2) Crower (162) Crown Automotive (197) CSF Radiator (2) CSR Performance (36) CVR (35) Dakota Digital (4) Danchuk (55) Dart (91) Davies Craig (23) Davis Unified Ignition (31) DAYCO (3123) Daystar (1) DC Sports (1) DEA Products Inc. 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(93) Edelbrock (1059) Edelmann (2) Edgeproducts (5) Egge Pistons (35) El Camino Store (63) Electromotive (3) EMP/Stewart Components (58) Empi (989) Energy Suspension (195) Engle (9) Equus (1) Evotion (3) Fairchild Industries (130) Fass (2) FAST (33) Federal Mogul (14) Fel-Pro (2164) Fidanza (131) Filter King (11) FilterMAG (1) Firestone (1) FiTech Fuel Injection (9) FK Rod Ends (3) Flatout Gaskets (140) Fleece Performance (2) Flexalite (47) FlowKooler (57) Flowtech (1) Fluidampr (52) Fluidyne High Performance (10) Ford OEM (2) Ford Racing (115) Four Seasons (992) Fragola Performance Systems (8) FRAM (98) Franks Pontiac Parts (1) Frostbite Performance Cooling (6) Fuelab (10) FuelTech (1) Fusick (50) Gardner-Westcott Company (276) Gates (4) Gene Berg (13) Glasscapes (1) GMB North America (286) Good Vibrations Motorsports (9) Goodmark (32) Goodyear (31) Granatelli Motor Sports (5) Grant Piston Rings (3) Greddy (3) Griffin Thermal Products (1028) Grimsholm Green (47) Haltech (5) Hamburger's Performance (20) Hard Blok (2) Harland Sharp (9) Hastings Filters (5) Hastings Piston Rings (14) Hayden (190) Hays (9) Heatshield Products (8) Hedman Hedders (2) Heidts (6) High Velocity Heads (1) Hillco Fasteners (6) HKS (3) Holley (508) Hooker Headers (14) Hot Heads (57) Howards Cams (215) Howe Racing (65) Hughes Performance (4) Hygrade (17) Hypertech (6) Ichibahn (1) ICON Performance Pistons (3) ICT Billet (13) Improved Racing Products (1) Injen (10) Innovate (3) Innovators West (1) Interdynamic (1) Isky Racing Cams (54) J.W. 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Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-1320Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleChevrolet Bel Air 427 V8 7,0l, 1966-1967, Chevrolet Bel Air Base 396 V8 6,5l, 1969, Chevrolet Bel Air Base 402 V8 6,6l, 1971-1972, Chevrolet Bel Air Base 454 V8 7,4l, 1970-1974, Chevrolet Bel Air Base 454 V8 7,4l, 1975, Chevrolet Biscayne 427 V8 7,0l, 1966-1969, Chevrolet Biscayne Base 396 V8 6,5l, 1969, Chevrolet Biscayne Base 402 V8 6,6l, 1971-19721 745 krApprox.: €151,74 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeOMX-1710413Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerOMIX-ADACompatibleJeep CJ5 258 6-cyl 4,2l, 1980-1983, Jeep CJ5 Golden Eagle 258 6-cyl 4,2l, 1980, Jeep CJ5 Laredo 258 6-cyl 4,2l, 1980-1983, Jeep CJ5 Limited 258 6-cyl 4,2l, 1982-1983, Jeep CJ5 Renegade 258 6-cyl 4,2l, 1980-1983, Jeep CJ7 258 6-cyl 4,2l, 1980-1986, Jeep CJ7 Golden Hawk 258 6-cyl 4,2l, 1980, Jeep CJ7 Laredo 258 6-cyl 4,2l, 1980-19831 895 krApprox.: €164,78 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeTFF-1504NProduct categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerTuff Stuff PerformanceCompatibleOldsmobile 442 455 V8 7,5l, 1971, Oldsmobile 98 455 V8 7,5l, 1971-1974, Oldsmobile 98 Luxury 307 V8 5,0l, 1980-1981, Oldsmobile 98 Luxury 403 V8 6,6l, 1977-1979, Oldsmobile 98 Luxury 455 V8 7,5l, 1975-1976, Oldsmobile 98 Regency 307 V8 5,0l, 1980-1984, Oldsmobile 98 Regency 403 V8 6,6l, 1977-1979, Oldsmobile 98 Regency Brougham 307 V8 5,0l, 1982-19841 945 krApprox.: €169,13 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-2927Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleBuick Apollo 250 6-cyl 4,1l, 1974, Chevrolet Chevelle 230 6-cyl 3,8l, 1966, Chevrolet Chevelle SS 230 6-cyl 3,8l, 1966, Chevrolet El Camino 230 6-cyl 3,8l, 1966-1967, Chevrolet Malibu 194 6-cyl 3,2l, 1966, Chevrolet Malibu 230 6-cyl 3,8l, 1966-1967, Chevrolet Malibu 250 6-cyl 4,1l, 1967, Chevrolet Nova 230 6-cyl 3,8l, 19691 245 krApprox.: €108,26 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeTFF-1444NProduct categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerTuff Stuff PerformanceCompatibleOldsmobile 442 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1968-1970, Oldsmobile 442 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1971, Oldsmobile 442 400 V8 6,6l, 1968-1969, Oldsmobile 442 455 V8 7,5l, 1968-1970, Oldsmobile 442 455 V8 7,5l, 1971, Oldsmobile 98 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1972-1974, Oldsmobile 98 455 V8 7,5l, 1968-1970, Oldsmobile 98 455 V8 7,5l, 1971-19741 795 krApprox.: €156,09 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-1290Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleCadillac Calais Base V8 7.7L/472, 1973-1974, Cadillac Calais Base V8 8.2L/500, 1973-1974, Cadillac Calais Base V8 8.2L/500, 1975-1976, Cadillac Commercial Chassis Base V8 6.0L/368, 1980-1984, Cadillac Commercial Chassis Base V8 7.0L/425, 1977-1979, Cadillac Commercial Chassis Base V8 8.2L/500, 1975-1976, Cadillac Deville Base V8 6.0L/368, 1980-1981, Cadillac Deville Base V8 7.0L/425, 1977-19791 445 krApprox.: €125,65 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeTFF-1445NProduct categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerTuff Stuff PerformanceCompatibleOldsmobile 442 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1968-1970, Oldsmobile 442 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1971, Oldsmobile 442 400 V8 6,6l, 1968-1969, Oldsmobile 442 455 V8 7,5l, 1968-1970, Oldsmobile 442 455 V8 7,5l, 1971, Oldsmobile 98 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1972-1974, Oldsmobile 98 455 V8 7,5l, 1968-1970, Oldsmobile 98 455 V8 7,5l, 1971-19743 295 krApprox.: €286,52 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-5800Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord E-350 Econoline 460 V8 7,5l, 1995-1996, Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon Chateau 460 V8 7,5l, 1995-1996, Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon Chateau HD 460 V8 7,5l, 1995-1996, Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon Custom 460 V8 7,5l, 1995-1996, Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon XL HD 460 V8 7,5l, 1995-1996, Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon Xlt 460 V8 7,5l, 1995-1996, Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon Xlt HD 460 V8 7,5l, 1995-1996, Ford E-350 Econoline XL 460 V8 7,5l, 1995-19962 395 krApprox.: €208,26 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-5750Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord E-250 Econoline Club Wagon Custom 460 V8 7,5l, 1988-1989, Ford E-250 Econoline Club Wagon XL 460 V8 7,5l, 1988-1989, Ford E-250 Econoline Club Wagon Xlt 460 V8 7,5l, 1988-1989, Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon Custom 460 V8 7,5l, 1988-1989, Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon XL 460 V8 7,5l, 1988-1989, Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon Xlt 460 V8 7,5l, 1988-1989, Ford E-350 Econoline Custom 460 V8 7,5l, 1988-1989, Ford E-350 Econoline XL 460 V8 7,5l, 1988-19893 160 krApprox.: €274,78 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-2835Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleGmc 1000 Series Base GM V6 V6 5.0L/305, 1962, Gmc 1500 Series Base GM V6 V6 5.0L/305, 1962-1965, Gmc 2500 Series Base GM V6 V6 5.0L/305, 1962-1965, Gmc C25/C2500 Pickup Base GM V6 V6 5.0L/305, 1966-1967, Gmc C35/C3500 Pickup Base GM V6 V6 5.0L/305, 1967, Gmc K15/K1500 Pickup Base GM V6 V6 5.0L/305, 1968-1969, Gmc K15/K1500 Suburban Base GM V6 V6 5.0L/305, 1968-1969, Gmc K25/K2500 Pickup Base GM V6 V6 5.0L/305, 1967-1969Call for price
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-120-3072Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleChevrolet P30 Base GM diesel 4-cylinder L4 3.9L/239, 1989-1991, Chevrolet P30 Step-Van GM diesel 4-cylinder L4 3.9L/239, 1989-1990, Dodge D250 Base Cummins diesel L6 5.9L/359, 1989-1993, Dodge D350 Base Cummins diesel L6 5.9L/359, 1989-1993, Dodge RAM 2500 Cummins diesel L6 5.9L/359, 1994-2003, Dodge RAM 2500 Slt Cummins diesel L6 5.9L/359, 2004, Dodge RAM 2500 ST Cummins diesel L6 5.9L/359, 2004, Dodge RAM 3500 Cummins diesel L6 5.9L/359, 1994-2003995 krApprox.: €86,52 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-3110Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord Club 272 V8 4,5l Y-block, 1956, Ford Club 292 V8 4,8l Y-block, 1958-1961, Ford Country Sedan 239 V8 3,9l Y-block, 1954, Ford Country Sedan 272 V8 4,5l Y-block, 1955-1956, Ford Country Sedan 292 V8 4,8l Y-block, 1959-1962, Ford Country Squire 272 V8 4,5l Y-block, 1955-1957, Ford Country Squire 292 V8 4,8l Y-block, 1958-1962, Ford Courier Sedan Delivery 272 V8 4,5l Y-block, 1956-19571 895 krApprox.: €164,78 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-1500Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord Escort Base Ford 4-cylinder L4 1.6L/98, 1981-1985, Ford Escort Base Ford 4-cylinder L4 1.9L/116, 1985, Ford Escort Base Ford 4-cylinder L4 1.9L/116, 1990, Ford Escort Base Mazda diesel 4-cylinder L4 2.0L/122, 1984-1985, Ford Escort GL Ford 4-cylinder L4 1.6L/98, 1981-1985, Ford Escort GL Ford 4-cylinder L4 1.9L/116, 1985-1988, Ford Escort GL Mazda diesel 4-cylinder L4 2.0L/122, 1984-1987, Ford Escort Glx Ford 4-cylinder L4 1.6L/98, 1981-1983823 krApprox.: €71,57 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-3280Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatible 1 245 krApprox.: €108,26 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-2773Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleOldsmobile 442 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1968-1970, Oldsmobile 442 400 V8 6,6l, 1965-1969, Oldsmobile 442 455 V8 7,5l, 1968-1970, Oldsmobile 98 455 V8 7,5l, 1968-1970, Oldsmobile 98 Base Oldsmobile V8 V8 7.0L/425, 1965-1967, Oldsmobile 98 Holiday Oldsmobile V8 V8 7.0L/425, 1965-1967, Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1968-1970, Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Base Oldsmobile V8 V8 5.4L/330, 19672 090 krApprox.: €181,74 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-5112Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord F-100 Pickup 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1965-1966, Ford F-250 Pickup 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1965-1966, Ford F-350 Pickup 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1965-1966, Ford P-350 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1965-19663 145 krApprox.: €273,48 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-1270Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleAvanti II Base 400 V8 6,6l, 1973-1974, Avanti II Base 400 V8 6,6l, 1975-1976, Checker Deluxe 307 V8 5,0l, 1969-1970, Checker Deluxe Base 350 V8 5,7l, 1969-1970, Checker Marathon 307 V8 5,0l, 1969-1970, Checker Marathon Aerobus 350 V8 5,7l, 1975, Checker Marathon Base 350 V8 5,7l, 1969-1974, Checker Marathon Base 350 V8 5,7l, 1975-19761 795 krApprox.: €156,09 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-1690Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleBuick Commercial Chassis Base 305 V8 5,0l, 1991, Buick Commercial Chassis Base 350 V8 5,7l, 1992-1993, Buick Roadmaster Base 350 V8 5,7l, 1992-1993, Buick Roadmaster Estate Wagon 305 V8 5,0l, 1991, Buick Roadmaster Estate Wagon 350 V8 5,7l, 1992-1993, Buick Roadmaster Limited 350 V8 5,7l, 1992-1993, Chevrolet Caprice Base 305 V8 5,0l, 1992, Chevrolet Caprice Base 350 V8 5,7l, 19921 695 krApprox.: €147,39 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-1810Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord E-150 Econoline 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1993-1996, Ford E-150 Econoline Club Wagon Chateau 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1993-1996, Ford E-150 Econoline Club Wagon Custom 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1993-1996, Ford E-150 Econoline Club Wagon Xlt 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1993-1996, Ford E-150 Econoline XL 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1993-1996, Ford E-250 Econoline 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1993-1996, Ford E-250 Econoline XL 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1993-1996, Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon Chateau HD 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1993-19961 245 krApprox.: €108,26 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-2756Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord 300 223 6-cyl 3,7l, 1963, Ford Club 223 6-cyl 3,7l, 1962-1963, Ford Club Wagon 223 6-cyl 3,7l, 1962-1964, Ford Country Sedan 223 6-cyl 3,7l, 1962-1963, Ford Country Squire 223 6-cyl 3,7l, 1962-1963, Ford Crestline 223 6-cyl 3,7l, 1954, Ford F Series 223 6-cyl 3,7l, 1957-1958, Ford F-100 Pickup 223 6-cyl 3,7l, 19612 245 krApprox.: €195,22 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-1110Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord Bronco Custom 351 V8 5,8l Modified, 1978-1981, Ford Bronco Custom 351W V8 5,8l, 1978-1982, Ford Bronco Custom 400 V8 6,6l Modified, 1978-1979, Ford Bronco Northland 351 V8 5,8l Modified, 1978, Ford Bronco Northland 351W V8 5,8l, 1978, Ford Bronco Northland 400 V8 6,6l Modified, 1978, Ford Bronco Ranger Xlt 351 V8 5,8l Modified, 1978-1981, Ford Bronco Ranger Xlt 351W V8 5,8l, 1978-19811 523 krApprox.: €132,43 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-110-1040Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleAmerican Motors Ambassador Brougham AMC V8 V8 5.0L/304, 1973-1974, American Motors Ambassador Brougham AMC V8 V8 5.9L/360, 1973-1974, American Motors Ambassador Brougham AMC V8 V8 6.6L/401, 1973-1974, American Motors Amx Base AMC V8 V8 5.0L/304, 1978-1979, American Motors Concord Base AMC V8 V8 5.0L/304, 1978-1979, American Motors Concord DL AMC V8 V8 5.0L/304, 1979, American Motors Concord Limited AMC V8 V8 5.0L/304, 1979, American Motors Gremlin Base AMC V8 V8 5.0L/304, 1973-19741 745 krApprox.: €151,74 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-1230Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord Bronco Custom 302 V8 5,0l, 1980-1986, Ford Bronco Custom 351W V8 5,8l, 1980-1987, Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer 302 V8 5,0l, 1985-1986, Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer 351W V8 5,8l, 1985-1987, Ford Bronco Ranger Xlt 302 V8 5,0l, 1980-1981, Ford Bronco Ranger Xlt 351W V8 5,8l, 1980-1981, Ford Bronco Xls 302 V8 5,0l, 1982-1983, Ford Bronco Xls 351W V8 5,8l, 1982-19831 845 krApprox.: €160,43 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-2850Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatiblePontiac Bonneville 389 V8 6,4l, 1959-1966, Pontiac Bonneville 400 V8 6,6l, 1967-1968, Pontiac Bonneville 421 V8 6,9l, 1963-1966, Pontiac Bonneville 428 V8 7,0l, 1967-1968, Pontiac Bonneville Custom 389 V8 6,4l, 1959-1962, Pontiac Catalina 389 V8 6,4l, 1959-1960, Pontiac Catalina 389 V8 6,4l, 1963-1965, Pontiac Catalina 400 V8 6,6l, 1967-19681 895 krApprox.: €164,78 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-1340Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord Bronco Custom 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1983-1986, Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1985-1986, Ford Bronco Xls 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1983, Ford Bronco Xlt 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1984-1986, Ford Bronco Xlt Lariat 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1983, Ford E-100 Econoline Club Wagon Custom 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1983, Ford E-100 Econoline Club Wagon XL 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 1983, Ford E-100 Econoline Custom 300 6-cyl 4,9l, 19831 245 krApprox.: €108,26 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-138-1010Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleInternational 100 Base International V8 V8 5.0L/304, 1974, International 100 Base International V8 V8 5.6L/345, 1974, International 100 Base International V8 V8 6.4L/392, 1974, International 100 Travelall International V8 V8 5.0L/304, 1974, International 100 Travelall International V8 V8 5.6L/345, 1974, International 100 Travelall International V8 V8 6.4L/392, 1974, International 1000b Base International V8 V8 5.0L/304, 1969, International 1000c Base International V8 V8 5.0L/304, 19691 695 krApprox.: €147,39 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-1250Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleBuick Century 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1977, Buick Century Base 305 V8 5,0l, 1977, Buick Century Base 305 V8 5,0l, 1980, Buick Century Custom 305 V8 5,0l, 1977-1979, Buick Century Custom 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1977, Buick Century Estate 305 V8 5,0l, 1980, Buick Century Limited 305 V8 5,0l, 1978-1980, Buick Century Special 305 V8 5,0l, 1978-19791 295 krApprox.: €112,61 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-125-1440Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleFord Country Squire 302 V8 5,0l, 1987-1988, Ford Country Squire LX 302 V8 5,0l, 1987-1988, Ford LTD 302 V8 5,0l, 1980-1982, Ford LTD 302 V8 5,0l, 1984-1985, Ford LTD Base 255 V8 4,2l Windsor, 1981-1982, Ford LTD Base 351 V8 5,8l Windsor, 1980-1982, Ford LTD Brougham 302 V8 5,0l, 1984-1985, Ford LTD Crown Victoria Base 351 V8 5,8l Windsor, 1987-19881 757 krApprox.: €152,78 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-1700Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleChevrolet C1500 454 SS 454 V8 7,4l, 1990, Chevrolet C1500 454 SS 454 V8 7,4l, 1991-1993, Chevrolet C1500 Cheyenne 454 V8 7,4l, 1990, Chevrolet C1500 Cheyenne 454 V8 7,4l, 1991-1993, Chevrolet C1500 Scottsdale 454 V8 7,4l, 1990, Chevrolet C1500 Silverado 454 V8 7,4l, 1990, Chevrolet C1500 Silverado 454 V8 7,4l, 1991-1993, Chevrolet C1500 WT 454 V8 7,4l, 19901 395 krApprox.: €121,30 Buy
Water Pump Standard-volume, Iron, NaturalProduct codeGMB-130-1260Product categoryvattenpump mekaniskManufacturerGMB North AmericaCompatibleBuick Apollo 260 V8 4,3l, 1975, Buick Apollo SR 260 V8 4,3l, 1975, Buick Century 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1977, Buick Century Custom 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1977, Buick Century Custom 403 V8 6,6l, 1977, Buick Electra 225 350 V8 5,7l Oldsmobile, 1977-1979, Buick Electra 225 403 V8 6,6l, 1977-1979, Buick Electra Estate Wagon 307 V8 5,0l, 1981-19871 645 krApprox.: €143,04 Buy